​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​St. Michael's Church

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

February 9, 2025

St. Michael the Archangel Church                                 St. Charles Borromeo Church                                    St. Barbara Church
52 South 3rd St., PO Box 128                                       PO Box 6, 223 South Third St.                                   4281 N. Scheller Lane
Radom, Illinois  62876                                                   DuBois, Illinois  62831                                                Scheller, Illinois  62883
​Office: 618-485-2265                                                     Office: 618-787-2781                                                  Tel: 618-279-1322/435-7196
​Fax: 618-485-2272                                                         Fax: 618-787-2781                                                     E-mail:
E-Mail:                                                                            E-Mail:                                                                         dcevandeveer@frontiernet.net
stmichaesradom@frontier.com                                      stcharleschurch@wisperhome.com                            Website:
Website: www.stmichaelradom.com                              Website: stcharlesdubois.org                                      facebook.com/stbarbarascheller/

Weekend Mass: Saturday 5:00pm                                 Weekend Mass:  Sunday  8:00am                              Weekend Mass:  Sunday  9:30am    Weekend Mass:  Sunday  10:00am                                Sunday - Also Live Streamed 8:00am

Office Hours:  Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9am-3pm                    Office Hours:  Wed., 4:00-5:00pm                                 

          Administrative Staff                                                         Administrative Staff                                                        Administrative Staff
   Father Oliver Nwachukwu, Ph.D.                                          Father Oliver Nwachukwu, Ph.D.                                     Father Oliver Nwachukwu, Ph.D.
  (Administrator )                                                                       (Administrator)                                                                  (Administrator)
Jerry Watters, Marvin Winka (Trustees)                                   Jack Boczek, Randy Janowski (Trustees)                        Marcia Kabat, Charlie Massie (Trustees)
Carla Chesnek (PSR Director)                                                 Judy Pieszchalski (PSR Director)                                     Tifffany Kluck (PSR Director)
Jackie Herzog (Music Director)                                                Monica Bochantin (Music Coordinator)                             Walter Wagner, Steve Wagner (Cemetery)
Bernadine Kabat (Hall Rental)                                                 Richard Majewski (Hall Rental)                                          Christy VanDeveer (Music Director/
Marvin Winka, Jerry Watters (Cemetery)                                  Jack Boczek (Cemetery)                                                   Secretary
Bernadine Kabat (Secretary)                                                     Monica Bochantin (Secretary)              

Readings for the Week:  Monday - St. Scholastica, Virgin:  Reading:  Gn 1:1-19;  Gospel:  Mk  6:53-56;   Tuesday -   Our Lady of Lourdes:   Reading:  Gn 1:20 - 2:4a;  Gospel:  Mk 7:1-13;   Wednesday:  Reading:  Gn 2:4b-9, 15-17;  Gospel:  Mk  7:14-23;   Thursday:   Reading:   Gn 2:18-25;  Gospel:  Mk  7:24-30 ;    Friday -  St. Cyril, Monk, and Methodius, Bishop:    Reading:  Gn 3:1-8;    Gospel:  Mk 7:31-37;   Saturday:  Reading:   Gn 3:9-24;    Gospel:  Mk 8:1-10;    Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time:  Reading 1:  Jer 17:5-8;     Reading 2:  1 Cor 14:12, 16-20;   Gospel:  Lk 6:17, 20-26

Mass Intentions
Saturday                 Feb. 8, 2025                 5:00pm Mass                  Nathan Bruno                                                                         Radom
                                                                                                           (Celebrant - Fr. Mike Hussey)
Sunday                   Feb. 9, 2025                 8:00am Mass                  Special Health IIntention                                                         DuBois
                                                                                (Mass Also Livestreamed at 8am) (Celebrant - Fr. Mike Hussey)
Sunday                    Feb. 9, 2025                 12:00 Noon Mass           Melvin Kabat                                                                          Scheller
                                                                                                              (Celebrant - Fr. Mike Hussey)
Sunday                    Feb. 9, 2025                10:00am Mass                  Louis & Lillian Winka                                                              Radom
                                                                                                              (Celebrant - Fr. Mike Hussey)     
Monday                    Feb. 10, 2025                 No Mass
Tuesday                   Feb. 11, 2025                No Mass
Wednesday              Feb. 12, 2025                 No Mass
Thursday                  Feb. 13, 2025                No Mass
Friday                       Feb. 14, 2025                No Mass
Saturday                   Feb. 15, 2025                5:00pm Mass                   Sandra Sue Kasban                                                              Radom                                                                                                                                          
Sunday                     Feb, 16 2025                 8:00am Mass                    Angie Grabowski-Williams                                                     DuBois
                                                                                                 (Mass Also Livestreamed at 8am)
Sunday                      Feb. 16, 2025                9:30am Mass                   Bernida Newell                                                                    Scheller
​Sunday                      Feb. 16, 2025             10:00am Mass                     Jesse Wojtowicz                                                                  Radom
                                                                                                                 ( Celebrant - Unknown at time of printing)

Sunday                       Feb. 16, 2025              8:00am-9:45am                  PSR Classes                                                                       Radom

St. Charles Borromeo:
Sunday,  February 16, 2025 - 8::00am Mass -  Lector:  Christina Zmudzinski;    Eucharistic Ministers: Host:  Kathy Conner   Cup:  Rosalie Kostecki, Rich Majewski:   Servers:  Volunteer:   Offertory Gifts:  Family of Angie Grabowski-Williams;   Rosary Leader:  Monica Bochantin;   Sacristans:    Becky Wisneski;    February Ushers:  Rich Majewski, Cliff Polczynski, Mike Wisneski

St. Charles Borromeo Contributions:  Feb. 2, 2025 - Adults:  $2,955.00;   Loose:  $100.00;  Capital Development:  $90.00; Easter Flowers:  $30.00;  Solemnity of Mary: $100.00

St. Michael the Archangel:
Saturday, February 15, 2025 - 5:00pm Mass -  Lector:  Michelle Ferguson;  Eucharistic MinisterHost:  Bernadine Kabat;   Servers: Abby & Allie Cottom;    Offertory Gifts:  Family of  Sandra Sue  Kasban;   Rosary Leader:  Dominic Grzegorek:   February Ushers:  Kevin Setzekorn, Tyler Setzekorn, Jerry Watters, Don Wisniewski, Bob Buretta, James Buretta

Sunday, February 16, 2025 - 10:00am Mass - Lector:  Cheryl Cameron;  Eucharistic Ministers:  Host:  Fred Epplin;   Cup: Debbie Colgrave, Stacy Helm;  Servers:  Ashley, Daniel & Katelyn Ratermann;  Offertory Gifts:  Family of  Jesse Wojtowicz;  Rosary Leader:  Mary Dreas;  February Ushers::  Mike Nadolski, Rick Pytlinski, Jason Pytlinski, Jerry Przygoda, Joe Przygoda, Craig Ratermann

St. Michael Contributions:  February 2, 2025 - Adults: $2,019.00;  Loose:  $278.00;   Memorials for Mary Lee Hake to Cemetery:  $370.00;  Mainenance: $901.00;  Calendar Raffle Tickets: $180.00

St. Barbara: 
Sunday, February 16, 2025 -  9:30am Mass -  Lector:  Charlie Massie;    Servers:  Morgan, Logan & Lilly Winka;  Eucharistic Ministers:  Alan & Janet Estes, Tricia Higgins;  Offertory Gifts:  Family of  Bernida Newell;  Ushers:  Addison Page & Walt Pelker;   February Rosary Leader:  Clarissa Ziarnek and Marilyn Kujawa;  Sunday Collection Counters:  Yvette Peterson & Sara Lamczyk

St. Barbara Contributions:  February 2, 2025-   Adults:  $863.00;  Loose: $197.00;  Youth:  $15.25;  Melvin Kabat Memorials:  St. Barbara Church: $525.00; St. Barbara Youth/PSR:  $100.00;  St. Barbara Cemetery: $295.00;  Cemetery Upkeep:  $40.00; The Messenger: $160.00

The 2024 Catholic Service and Ministry Appeal
Serve the Lord with Gladness - Psalm 100

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul truly serves the poorest of the poor through its Cosgrove's Soup Kitchen, SVDP Thrift Store, Help Center and Night Drop-In Center.  Men, women and children are provided the basic necessities of life - food, clothing and shelter - and the hope and the tools they need for a better tomorrow.  Help St. Vincent de Paul serve those who have no place else to turn.  Please make your gift to The Catholic Service and Ministry Appeal today.

The Messenger Newspaper Subscription Renewal.  Please stay connected with your Diocese through a subscription to The Messenger Catholic Newspaper.  Payments can be made via your Messenger envelope or by credit card at www.bellevillemessenger.org and click SUBSCRIBE. The cost for a 1-year subscription is $40 for printed, home-delivery, $35 for digital access and $45 for both.  Please make checks payable to The Messenger and make sure to include your email address if digital subscriptions is selected.   Please check your envelopes that the right subscription price is on them.  Thank you.

Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time - February 9, 2025

An unlikely thread links the three people who are called to be disciples in today's readings:  all pronounce themselves unworthy.  Isaiah, Paul and Peter are saints and prophets, but each sees himself first as a sinner.  As we listen to the readings today, let us realize that even though we too are unworthy, God still calls us to be disciples.

St. Charles -      Items for the Polishfest raffle can be recorded in a notebook in the back of church.  Please be generous.

CDA meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 17 at 7 PM.  We are currently accepting dues for 2025.  They are $20.00.  Committee members for the January meeting are:  Door Prize - Lace Buretta;   Student Burse - MaryAnn Buretta;  Bingo Prizes - Kathy Conner and Charlotte Dalman.  All committee members are to bring refreshments.  See you there!   Judy

St. Michael  - Winners for the Calendar Raffle for Feb. 9, 2025:   Lilly Winka, Scheler, IL & Evan Kujawa, Tamaroa, IL

St. Michael's $13,000 Giveaway Raffle.    Do you have your ticket yet?   An Early Bird drawing  will be on Feb. 11, 2025 for a free raffle ticket or $50.00 (winners choice).  These winning tickets will be re-entered for the Feb. 23, 2025 drawing.  Flyers and extra order forms are also at the entrances to the church.  Please take the flyers to help advertise our event and the order forms to sell tickets to your friends, family, co-workers and business associates.   Thank you for helping to make this coming event a successful fundraiser.  Tickets can be purchased at the Farmers & Merchants Bank in DuBois  & Ashley.

Donations of raffle prizes for the upcoming Altar & Rosary Sodality Bingo on March 16 are needed.  There are sign-up sheets at the entrances of the church for you to write your donation or call the parish office, 485-2265. 

St. Michael Parish would like to thank the family of Mary Lee Hake for the donation of $370.00 to St. Michael Cemetery in  memory of Mary Lee..  May God bless you!

St. Barbara -

St. Barbara Ladies Sodality Valentine's Bake Sale is this Sunday, Feb. 9.  Thank you to Susie and April for volunteering to sell tickets. 

There is a sign-up sheet in the back of church for volunteers to clean the church each month starting in February.  We would like 2-3(up to 4, if possible) volunteers each month to clean the church.   Contact Christy if you have questions. 

 Saturday, March 22 at 6 PM is  St. Barbara Trivia Fundraiser at the Waltonville VFW.   the online registration is live!  find the link on our Facebook page.  $80/team (with a max of 8 players).  You can also reserve a table on the sign-up sheet in the back of church.  We re asking each family to donate a basket/item for our silent auction.  Contact Logan Stanhouse at 618-200-1070 if you have questions.

 St. Barbara  Spring Rummage Sale , Saturday, April 5.  We will set up on April 4th.  Volunteers are needed!  We need assistance with concessions, pricing, organizing, and more!  Donations accepted on Sundays after Mass at the rectory.  Contact Logan Stanhouse at 618-200-1070.

If you would like to schedule a Mass Intention for a Sunday or Wednesday (No Wednesday morning Mass beginning Jan. 1 - mid February) at St. Barbara, please put an envelope in the basket with the date you want and the suggested $10 donation for Mass, or you may call Christy at 279-1322 or text/call 435-7196, 

Rest -    
The February Senior Citizen Services Lunch will be on Wed., Feb. 12 at noon.  Menu:  Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes with gravy, corn & fruit crisp.  Suggested donation for lunch is $6.00 which is voluntary and anonymous.  Please RSVP to 618-243-6533 by Monday, Feb. 10.  Bingo after lunch at no charge.

To those who may belong to St. Michael the Archangel Parish, grew up here, or simply wants to see this incredible parish continue to do God's Will and bless the next generation, we would ask that you remember us in prayer, time, and giving.  Prayer and time are critical, but so is your financial support. We do not have means for you to give electronically, but you can send a check or giving to the below address making it out to:

St. Michael the Archangel Parish

PO Box 128

Radom, Illinois 62876

THANK YOU for your consideration and support in any form!!! St. Michael the Archangel Parish cannot continue without your goodness and generosity!




Wednesday 6-6:30pm


Sunday 9:30-9:45am/ by appointment

Daily Mass:

Friday 9am

Wednesday 6:30pm

Weekend Mass:

Sunday 10am


Holy Days:

8am/ 7pm Vigil

Many faces, one faith.

We are a diverse group of believers – bankers, musicians, social workers, teachers, public servants, business owners, parents  – united by our shared faith in a loving God. 
